
Although Naranjo, Alajuela is mostly an agricultural canton, its main city is an important business, financial, craft, textile and touristic center.

Right away, you must see and admire the parish of Nuestra Señora de las Piedades, an architectural jewel declared as a historical/architectural heritage of Costa Rica and you cannot complete your tour around Naranjo without visiting the Espíritu Santo Hill, where it is possible to admire the ruins of a Catholic temple built in Christ honor.

The city of Naranjo has been a peaceful community influenced by a society of honest and exemplary agricultural workers but it will soon become the center of an intense socioeconomic activity since it will be located near the Naranjo-Florencia road.

The road which will form part of the Mesoamerican International Road Network (RICAM), will link together the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica and the north part of the country so Naranjo will gain a transformative strategic location.

We are pleased to offer the services of Soldadura CMH to the community of Naranjo, Alajuela. We are experts in all types of wrought iron structures for residences and business buildings while guaranteeing safety and elegance.

We can take our services and products where you need them. Learn more about our services in our web site, you can also request a quotation by calling at (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822-8114 or sending an email to, it will be a pleasure to serve you.

Services we provide in Naranjo – Alajuela


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