fbpx Iron structures and gates: contemporary or wood style - Costa Rica

Iron structures and gates: contemporary or wood style

Portones tipo Madera - Wood gates

Architecture disrupted the ecclesiastical and aristocratic tendencies on buildings thanks to the introduction of new construction techniques and using prefabricated materials.

With the new techniques, libraries, hospitals, supermarkets and residences with simple but beautiful designs have appeared, more functional and comfortable than those old ones.

Apart from the notable differences on the surface, one of the great transformations has to do with the fusion between the interior and exterior of the building by using glass and small open spaces.

Contemporary style

In today’s architecture, furniture is more casual; lines are lighter and cleaner; wood, ceramic or porcelain floors tend to show more delicate finishes.

If we look at exterior structures, we can see that facades are rectilinear; ceilings tend to be cantilevered and large with straight lines or simple curves and the windows and doors add instant appeal.

In contemporary architecture, iron structures and gates are particularly important. They can be made using a contemporary metal style or combined with wood as they welcome visitors.

Iron gates of all styles

Apart from being the perfect visual complement for contemporary buildings, iron or wooden iron gates can be slidable, electric and even automated adding control and safety.

At Soldadura CMH we specialize in manufacturing all types of wrought iron structures. We manufacture contemporary style structures and gates with any design you can think of, and we deliver and install them anywhere in Costa Rica. The client gives us his idea, we manufacture and install it based on his taste.

Request a quote for your project and budget, we are here to serve you.

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