Tres Ríos

Tres Ríos, the main community of the canton of La Union, is located in a parallel point between Cartago and San José and, because of its location, next to the Interamerican highway, it has been an intersection point for many tourists traveling from the part of Costa Rica and the Valle de El Guarco.

Although it is bordered by a narrow road with intense traffic, the community of Tres Ríos is a peaceful and welcoming town located among exquisite landscapes.

Because of its location, this Carthaginian city is an attraction for the inhabitants and visitors of the Great Metropolitan Area who want to enjoy the air and the mountain environment, in a journey that takes only a few minutes. It is located only 12 kilometers away from San José and 11 kilometers from Cartago.   

But Tres Ríos also has the peculiarity that a large sector of its productive force works in the commercial, industrial and service areas of San José and Carthage due to the nature of its economy (largely influenced by coffee production) and the location.

A good reason for the inhabitants to reinforce the security of their residences with wrought iron structures that provide beauty and add value to their offices, institutional and commercial buildings and homes.

In Soldadura CMH we are experts in solving all your needs that involve wrought iron structures and we have the personnel, the specialized teams and the logistics to take our services to all that beautiful Carthaginian community.

If you live in Tres Ríos and plan to strengthen the security of your business building or home with elegant structures, check our website to learn more about our services and request a quote at (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822 -8114 or sending an email to We will be happy to serve you!


Services we provide in Tres Ríos


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