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Tendencias en portones con hierro forjado en Costa Rica

Inspiration from nature: Wrought iron gate trends

In any building, custom gates have become an extension of the owner’s style and personality. Today, inspiration from nature is leading trends in the creation of artistic gates, combining functionality with aesthetics in a surprising way.

Trabajos en hierro forjado: portones, verjas, barandas y todo tipo de estructuras - Wrought iron works: doors, gates, handrails and all types of structures

Wrought iron works: doors, gates, handrails and all types of structures

Wrought iron furniture, structures, and decorations are elements of millennial tradition that never go out of fashion because they are original, elegant, and durable craftsmanship that can be adapted to any style, taste, and culture. In addition to its originality, elegance, resistance, and environmental factors, wrought iron is so versatile that it adapts to other complementary materials such as glass and wood. Doors In addition to the security they provide to a residence or business building, wrought iron doors and

Balcones a la medida con hierro forjado - Custom Wrought-Iron Balconies

Custom Wrought-Iron Balconies

Urban landscapes are full of them, apartment dwellers adore them, and homeowners add them to their houses. Balconies are popular architectural features that beautify a residence and provide additional outdoor space to view the surroundings comfortably, observe (and sometimes engage with) passersby, and take in fresh air and nature without having to leave the physical house or apartment. A balcony becomes even more advantageous, both in appearance and value, when versatile, time-resistant materials, such as wrought iron, are used to

Portones tipo Madera - Wood gates

Iron structures and gates: contemporary or wood style

Architecture disrupted the ecclesiastical and aristocratic tendencies on buildings thanks to the introduction of new construction techniques and using prefabricated materials. With the new techniques, libraries, hospitals, supermarkets and residences with simple but beautiful designs have appeared, more functional and comfortable than those old ones. Apart from the notable differences on the surface, one of the great transformations has to do with the fusion between the interior and exterior of the building by using glass and small open spaces. Contemporary style In today’s

Componentes de hierro forjado

Considering remodeling your house? Wrought iron is your best choice

Home remodeling can become a big thing if old structures and aged furniture are replaced by wrought iron components. Iron is a material that will last a lifetime and its versatility allows to create products ranging from stairs, railings, doors, gates and windows, bed supports, tables, chairs, flowerpots, bases for fans and lamps, with the most beautiful and refined details. Iron is a material that adapts to the times and trends, and just as it was

Puertas de hierro modernas - Modern Iron Doors

Modern Iron Doors: Elegance for Your Home or Business

Wrought iron exterior door brings a maximum degree of security to a residence but above all it is an architectural element that adds beauty and distinction. Wrought iron as material for the manufacture of doors, gates, windows and other building elements brings to the mind the traditional idea of the imposing castles of medieval and colonial eras. Versatility of iron and forging techniques facilitate the manufacture of modern doors as safe and durable as the old ones but with

Construcción de estructuras metálicas para techos en Costa Rica - Metal roof structures

Metal roof structures construction in Costa Rica

The excellent relationship between strength and volume, the standardized parts available and the flexibility which allows metal structures to be shaped in any form by the architectural designer are just a few of the many advantages metal structures have over other construction materials. Using steel as a material for the construction of metal structures makes a significant contribution to the ecological purposes that identify Costa Ricans since steel is sustainable, recyclable and reusable. Metal roof structures are a guarantee of

Muebles - Furniture

Display furniture made of wrought iron

Display furniture is an important factor in the sale process because it is the display window to show the clientele the products ordered, clean and categorized in all their splendor. But it is also an important factor to show the client a touch of distinction and appreciation when we talk about tables, seat and benches. Moreover, the characteristics of wrought iron are widely known: its strength, durability and malleability that allows the blacksmith to create true works of art using the most

Portones modernos - Modern gates

Modern wrought iron gates

Wrought iron is a traditionally associated with lordly residences and their heavy structures, furniture and ornaments loaded with complex and symbolic elements and forms. Its beauty is undeniable and its function has much to do with the tradition of the owners and its strength to guarantee sovereignty over the building and the land where it’s set. But… do a gothic or baroque style gate or a balcony would look good in a modern building? Modern architecture tends to be functional and

Wrought Iron: Safety and elegance for your home

The versatility of iron facilitates making structures, furniture and ornaments with the most varied design possibilities and its combination with other materials complements the harmony of any house by adding warmth and distinction. Wrought iron provides security and elegance and the possibilities are unlimited: from doors, windows, gates, fences and stairs to indoor and outdoor furniture and decorative items. Security is no longer limited to the strength of a sturdy material with a sober finish typical of

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