Metal designs with figures of animals and nature

A few decades ago, when the need to protect the environment was a concept to which little importance was attached, setting a house with figures of animals would have been a rare extravagance.

But today, the elements of nature achieve a prominence of elegance, distinction and appreciation for existence. The environment occupies a space in family and social life and metal designs with figures of animals and plants, in structures and furniture, acquire their greatest relevance.

In Soldadura CMH, we work for the safety and elegance of your home or business. We are a company with extensive experience in the elaboration of metallic and wood elements, in the fields of construction, furniture manufacturing, restoration, lighting, maintenance and remodeling.

If you want a piece of furniture, a fence or a door with some design of nature, we are the specialists you need. We invite you to contact us at (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822-8114 or email us at We can provide you with an adjusted quote.

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