fbpx Metal designs with sapphire crystal inlays wrought iron in Costa Rica

Metal designs with sapphire crystal inlays

A piece of furniture, a photo frame, a door, an ornament, a utensil and even the railings of a metal staircase inlaid with sapphire crystal, become works of art that start exclamations when the designs are beautiful, intricate and perfectly coupled.

In Soldaduras CMH, we are a Costa Rican company with extensive experience in high quality work in metals such as steel, aluminum and iron. We carry out construction, restoration, lighting, maintenance and remodeling work.

We give solutions in metal designs with sapphire crystal inlays. In Soldaduras CMH, we speak of a world of needs that our company can solve to our clients, in an optimal way, with an excellent finish and with guarantee.

Contact us at (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822-8114 or email us at info@soldaduracmh.com. It will be a pleasure to assist you!

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