
Due to the nature of its economic activities, the canton of Guácimo should be seen as a large garden specialized in the production of ornamental plants, flowers and tropical foliages for export.

The headquarters of the Escuela Agrícola de la Región Húmeda (EARTH) can be found in Guácimo, considered as the best university in Latin America for the formation of agronomists.

If to these paradise-like projects and the archtecture of the city and the neighborhoods of Guácimo we add the structures and furniture made with forged iron, then we would be talking about a community with some nice characteristics.

In Soldadura CMH we have the staff, the specialized technological equipment, the transport and the logistic to take to Guácimo products made with forged iron, which reinforces the security of residences and companies.

We can provide you with:

  • Doors, gates and fences of colonial, modern or customized models that provide security and elegance to the architectural ensemble of a residential or business building.
  • Pergolas that adapt to the characteristics of each building, and internal and external stairs and rails with the designs and figures preferred by the customer.
  • Rustic-style beds, which add elegance and fantasy to a room; furniture (such as chairs, tables, benches, mirrors, shelves) in forged iron.
  • Accessories and decorative elements, from candlesticks and candle holders to frames, magazine-holders, shelves, pots, kitchen accessories and bases for fans and all electrical devices.

If you live in Guácimo we invite you to contact us and know the details about our services in our website. You may contact us at (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822-8114 or to the email We are pleased to help you!

Services we provide in Guácimo


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