San Jose

In San José, the capital of Costa Rica, circumstances make it compulsory to take all possible security measures, through metallic structures; But these can also be elaborated with style and beauty, so that they add to their residence or business building an added value.

The wide experience, our commercial partners, the quality of our work and the great variety of products and design alternatives make us your best ally. We give integral solutions, at the best price and with the best quality of the market.

Although San José is far from being one of the most insecure cities in Latin America, a night tour or a holiday in the city allows us to see buildings with virtually armored doors and windows. The same in the neighborhoods, where a good part of the residences resemble cages.

Consequently, and although we do not like to say it, we must take the necessary security measures to protect our properties; But the structures can also be built with beauty and delicacy, to give the building a touch of distinction.

In Soldadura CMH we have extensive experience in the development of iron structures. Our headquarters are in San Isidro de El General, Perez Zeledon, but we take our services, from design and construction to San José and to all the cantons of the province.

No matter the place in San José where you need the work; In Soldaduras CMH we give solutions. Learn more details on our website and request a free and without commitment quote, through the phone numbers (506) 2770-2022 and (506) 8822-8114 and the email

Services we provide in San José


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